2024 Indigenous Health Research Training and Travel Fund

The WLN is announcing a call for applications for the 2024 WLN Indigenous Health Research Training and Travel Award. 

Application deadline January 31st, 2025, by 11:50PM Atlantic

NEW: Please indicate your intent to apply by emailing wln@dal.ca, indicating that you are applying to the WLN Travel Fund, the lead applicant’s name and the host institution. We will follow up with submission details.

Application Information:

This training and travel award is to support training or travel to an Indigenous Health Research event or training opportunity such as a conference, gathering, workshop/co-learning event, or educational training module/course. Please complete the below application form and submit via email to wln@dal.ca by January 31st, 2025 at 11:59 PM Atlantic.

There are five (5) travel awards $2000 each available in this competition.

Priority will be given to applicants presenting their research at an event, or who require training to undertake an activity that will advance the research goals of the ICCO. Reimbursement up to $2000 will require the applicant to work with the WLN to submit a Dalhousie Travel Expense Claim for reimbursement.  

The WLN Training and Travel Awards call will now be launched TWICE annually, approximately every six (6) months.


  1. WLN Membership: To be eligible to apply for funding all members for your research team must register to become a member with the WLN. By joining the WLN you agree to receive our e-digest, email communications, and invitations to participate in WLN activities. Please register here.

  2. This opportunity is open to people who are working with, or for, an Indigenous community, collective or organization within the Wabanaki-Labrador region (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador). Priority will be given to Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) applicants whenever possible. 

  3. The event that you wish to attend with WLN support must be scheduled in advance of the application deadline (Jan 31, 2025). The WLN will not accept applications for events that have already occurred.

Before you apply you may want. to:

  1. Attend one (1) information webinar. The WLN will offer two (2) information webinars (UPDATED: Friday December 06th, 2024 from 12-1pm and January 10, 2025 from 12-1pm) that will describe the funding opportunity in detail and answer any questions you may have. Please email wln@dal.ca to sign up!  

  2. Book an Expression of Interest meeting. This is an opportunity to discuss your plans for the funding. This meeting is to start a relationship, so that the WLN team understands your research plans and can assist with identifying ways to support your application.  

Application Checklist:

  1. WLN Membership

  2. Application form                                                       

  3. Letter of Support  

  4. Proof of Indigenous Identity, if applicable. 

Access the application form here.

The WLN core team will be available to offer support and answer questions as you prepare your application.

Please contact us anytime at wln@dal.ca