Resources for Indigenous Languages in the Atlantic Provinces
Many Indigenous Nations have territory within the four Atlantic Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador). These Indigenous Nations include: Inuit, Innu, Peskotomuhkati, Wolastoq, and Mi’kmaq. There will be resources for each language listed here.
The resource list is in its early stages of development and is not exhaustive or complete. For community based and online courses we will only list classes that we have permission of the instructors to share here on the website. Likewise we only list language professionals who are members of our network and who have given us permission to put their information on our website.
As our knowledge, references, and relations grow so will the webpage!
Inuttitut level 1 (2007). CD-ROM. Rosetta Stone, developed in cooperation with Torngâsok Cultural Centre. Available through Nunatsiavut Government, Nain, Labrador.
Inuttut Kautamât uKauset (Android)
Peskotomuhkati & Wolastoq
Newell Lewey (Language Teacher, Linguist)
Greyson Kurtz (Linguistics Student- University of Maine)
As we build relations we will add them here!
Wabanaki Public Health Weekly Virtual Passamaquoddy/Maliseet Language Classes. Lead by language teacher and linguist Newell Lewey (Sipayik First Nation). See their website here for times and registration.
Nibezun Passamaquoddy Class (Online). Led by Dwayne Tomah (Sipiyik First Nation). See Nibezun’s website here to register.
Peskotomuhkati Language Circle, Wednesdays 5-6pm Atlantic through Zoom (e-mail the organiser, Greyson Kurtz)
As we get more relations we will put them here
University of New Brunswick
University of Southern Maine Wabanaki Language Minor or Certificate
University of Maine Wabanaki Language Courses
A Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Dictionary: Peskotomuhkati Wolastoqewi Latuwewakon
Kolusuwakonol: Passamaquoddy-Maliseet & English Dictionary (Lesourd & Leavitt, 1986)
Maliseet vocabulary (Chamberlain, 1899)
Accent & Syllable Structure in Passamaquoddy (LeSourd, 1993, amazon link)
William Jeddore ( William is Linguist, Translator, & Interpreter from Unama'ki District of Mi'kma'ki (Cape Breton NS). He is first and foremost a student of the language and has professional experince translating and interpreting for many projects and companies. He has the capacity for both large and small contracts right now.
Elder George Paul’s Mi’kmaq Language Class (Zoom- reach out to him on FB. Tpyically Monday and Wednesday evenings when conducted).
A Collection of Mi'kmaw Words and Meanings Compiled by the late Wilfred J. Prosper Sr (Amazon link)
Micmac Learning Workbooks with Audio Cassettes (Native Council of Nova Scotia)