Using poetry
to answer questions
on relationships to knowledge
identifying qualities of outcomes and processes
a sharing experince
Evaluative Poetry
What is Evaluative Poetry?
Poetry can be used as an art-based method for either research or evaluation. Evaluation methods seek to answer questions on the success or effectiveness of an event, organsiation, or activity at acheiving its goals. One way to answer these questions as an evaluator is to create poetry that reflects the activity in light of the evaluation criteria. The poem can be considered an end in-and-of itself, or can be analysed (i.e. thematic analysis). An evaluator can write the poem, or participants can (and then the evaluator analyzes the poetry as a form of feedback).
Information and Resources for Evaluative Poetry
The WLN staff first learned of poetry as a form of art-based evalaution in the Canadian Evalaution Society’s 2024 conference. There was an Evaluation Poetry workshop run by Maya Lefkowich and Jennica Nichols of AND Implementation ( They also offer courses on arts-based evaluation methods throughout the year (
Poets from/in the Wabanaki-Labrador Region:
As we gain more relations with living Indigenous poets from our region we will link them here!
As we find resources and links for developing an effective poetry practice we will post them here!
Rich, R. (2023). Found poetry, found hope: a creative and powerful method for sharing health research. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 37 (4), 267-276. DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2023.2285269
Evaluative Poetry completed by NEIHR members:
Evaluation Poetry Books from Events in 2024
Candian Association of Research Administrators National Conference 2024
This conference was held in Calgary. Sulia’n (William) Johnson and Marni Amirault had the pleasure of presenting with the other NEIHRs. Sulia’n decided that while he was attending other sessions he would create evaluative poetry, and give a copy at the end of a presentation to the presenters right after they had finished their presentation. Photos of each poem was transcribed to create a poetry book for the conference title “NEIHR and Dear”.
National Gathering of Graduate Students
Sulia’n had the honour of attending the 2024 NGGS to support our students in the Atlantic-Indigenous Mentorship Network. He created evaluative poems for each keynote speaker and student presenter he attended.
Canadian Sex Research Forum (Halifax 2024)
Sulia’n had the honour of attending the 2024 NGGS to support our students in the Atlantic-Indigenous Mentorship Network. He created evaluative poems for each keynote speaker and student presenter he attended.
Wabanaki-Labrador Network’s Co-Learning Summit 2024
Sulia’n had the honour of attending the 2024 NGGS to support our students in the Atlantic-Indigenous Mentorship Network. He created evaluative poems for each keynote speaker and student presenter he attended.
Wabanaki Languages Conference
Sulia’n had the honour of attending the 2024 NGGS to support our students in the Atlantic-Indigenous Mentorship Network. He created evaluative poems for each keynote speaker and student presenter he attended.
CRISM Symposium 2024
Sulia’n had the honour of attending the 2024 NGGS to support our students in the Atlantic-Indigenous Mentorship Network. He created evaluative poems for each keynote speaker and student presenter he attended.